Howdy, ya'll!

Thanks for stopping by my page! Just to let ya'
ll know...These are my opinions and if you agree, great and if you don't, that's okay too. I don't want to offend anyone.
Just comment me and I will respond from under the big ole blue clear sky down here in Alabama!
Happy Blogging, Friends!
Tam Tam

Sunday, May 30, 2010


There's a lot to be said about being young. I'm 19 years old so I know what I am talking about. When you're young you think you are being misunderstood and pushed around and left alone, but in reality, someone cares about whether you live or die or happy or sad. So what if your mom or dad never had time for you. You yourself are handsome/pretty. Don't put yourself down because of how you've been treated. Make the most out of everything.

Saturday, May 29, 2010


Why must my family be composed of rednecks. No, they are not like the rednecks you see in movies or anything. It's not like we have brothers and sisters or any other kind of relative marrying each other. No, we don't allow that. As a matter of fact from where I am from everyone is related, whether by marriage or what have you. Normally if you wanna get married you need to go out of state or something. I'm not kidding. The thing I dislike about it is that they are all a bunch of alcoholics. Blah. Evidently they have nothin better to do on the weekends than sit around and watch NASCAR races or Alabama football and get drunk. Oh, and play poker all night long. I cannot believe I have to deal with this. I love them all to death and they will always stand by me in whatever I do. Some of these things I have to just tolerate.


Love is not about who makes more or does more or looks better. Love is that feeling you get when you look into that person's eyes, the racing of your heart, and the locking of your knees. That's not all though. It's a lot of work. The reason people work is because they believe in their relationship enough to work things out. Love isn't all about the physical stuff nor it isn't all about the emotional or mental. Walt Disney is not a very good witnees when it comes to love because in reality it's not a fairytale.